Our community programs include:
- In-school student support
- After school programs
- Literacy
- Adult GED completion
- English as a Second Language classes
- Job readiness training
- Home repair
Join Us & Break the Cycle
There are two types of poverty:
Generational poverty cannot be changed with small, soft-hearted plans. It must be directly addressed with great intention through mutual relationships.
Generational poverty is a complicated spiritual, relational, mental-attitude, educational and financial issue.

We work with the local church to model what can happen when people work together for the common good. We're a global organization that serves locally.
Developing platforms that strengthen faith and provide outlets to put faith into practice.
We will honor our word as we work with and serve others. We are committed to transparency as we steward the God-given resources entrusted to us.
Pursuing honest and transparent relationships that build trust and lead to transformative action.
We work to awaken the capacity of individuals / groups to make choices and transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes. It’s about development, not charity. It’s a hand up, not a hand out.
Increasing the capacity of individuals and systems, leveraging assets to break the cycle of generational poverty.
We can't do this alone; we get excited about partnering with other nonprofit organizations, churches, corporations, local government, leaders, stakeholders and residents, working together towards a healthier, sustainable community.
Building connected relationships to foster transformation in under-resourced communities.
We understand the connections between a decent place to live and a living wage job for healthy families, spiritual health, quality education, child care, basic and financial literacy, transportation and access to health care for sustainability.
Restoring the wholeness of people and communities to God's design.
After many conversations with city leaders, stakeholders and local residents, and pastors, Friends of North Richmond was born! The following year, Friends of Uganda was launched. In an effort to mobilize more churches and set the stage for future growth, Attack Poverty was founded by Richard Logan in 2011 and was granted 501c3 status! We are excited for all that God has in store as we look to the future and empower people to attack poverty in their life and community!
One God, to be Creator and Ruler of the universe; He has always existed outside of the boundaries of time and has shown Himself in history in three distinct persons – God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit- these three distinctions form the Trinity.
The Salvation of lost and sinful mankind through the shed blood of Jesus Christ by faith alone.
Jesus is the Son of God, sent to earth to be the sinless sacrifice for our sins. He was both fully human and fully God. He was at the creation of the world, and by Him, all things were made. He rose from the dead after three days, and has complete power over sin and death. He will return one day to complete God’s plan of redemption for all who believe, as well as creation itself.
The Holy Spirit is the third distinct member of the Trinity, co-equal to God and Jesus. He has been presented to this world to convict mankind of his sin, and make them aware of their need for Christ. He is present and active in each person from the moment they believe in Jesus as their Savior, and gives us power to defeat sin and the ability to understand God’s truth.
The Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the body of Christ. It is God’s primary and intended instrument to serve the poor and bring about community transformation.
The Bible is the story of the redemption of mankind by God. It is the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God. We believe the entire Bible points to the work and person of Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Growth
We long to see communities where the poor and marginalized are heard. We empowered individuals to put their faith into action to to see God’s kingdom come to life. When an individual’s dignity is restored in God, flourishment begins to take place.
- Bible studies & small groups
- Empower & resource the local church
- Prayer walks
- Relationship building

Children who do not read on grade level by the end of 3rd grade have only a 1 in 8 chance of ever catching up. The global poverty rate could be reduced by 50% if all students completed secondary education. Adults can break the cycle of generational poverty if they are equipped with the tools to overcome barriers.
- Educational Support
- Personal & Life-skills Development
- Strategic Goal Planning
- Mentoring Relationships
- Trainings
- Disaster Preparedness

To see a community restored and renewed, community development must use an Asset-Based approach that aims to build on the strengths and capacities of the community.
- Home Repairs
- Community Revitalization Projects
- Equip Community Members to lead the change they want to see

Basic Needs
Attack Poverty defines basic needs as having access to clean water, food, shelter, safety, and health. Nearly half of the world lives on less than $5.50 a day. 780 million people lack access to safe water. As many as 1.6 billion people lack adequate housing worldwide.
- Safe Water Projects
- Food Distribution
- Financial & Utility Assistance
- Medical Clinics & Mental Health Resources
- Warming & Cooling Centers
- Disaster Recovery