The fulfillment of God’s unique purposes for individuals and includes the dimensions of relationship with God, self, and others while living an integrated life of one’s passions and gifts to contribute to God’s Kingdom.
Attack Poverty uses a wholistic approach to community development. We long to awaken potential and provoke transformation so that voices are heard, individuals empowered, and communities made whole by offering a hand up through programs that empower individuals to take transformative action in their life that will lead to flourishment.

The Attack Poverty Podcast
In 2021, we set out on a journey to measure transformation. After a year of researching, gaining insight, and having conversations with other non-profits and stakeholders, we decided to launch the Road to Flourishment podcast to share what we have learned and invite others to come alongside of us as we all try to empower others to go from surviving to thriving.
Buckle up and join us on the road to flourishment as we make a few rest stops along the way to learn from each other!
Hosted By:
Brandon Baca | CEO
Marty Imper | Director of Monitoring & Evaluation
Rachel Snow | Director of Program Excellence


The stories we believe shape our work with the poor. What if there’s a better story – an a better way to help the poor?

*taken from “Becoming Whole”
Attack Poverty’s Approach

Refer back to episode 2 & 3 to learn more!
Christian Community Development Association
ABCD Institute
The Chalmers Center